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Diverse Kindergarten


The problem this action research study addressed was the evolution and influence of cultural competence in k12 classroom practice, handbook, and discipline policies. Two k12 elementary teachers were surveyed electronically. A content analysis was conducted on the handbook policies. The results showed that cultural competence is essential in education.

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This pilot study occurred in an urban public k12 elementary school in the Midwest. The participants were selected because they were k12 public elementary school teachers. The school was in a community surrounded by family-style homes. The student population of the school was 364. The student demographics were 93% African American, 3% multi-cultural, 2% white, 1% Pacific Islander, 1% Hispanic, and Asian and American Indian 0% (less than two students). The school was staffed with 24 teachers.

Two elementary teachers were selected to complete a survey. The survey responses were analyzed for
comparisons. The data was stored on a secure computer accessed only by the researcher. The results were presented qualitatively. The district handbook and discipline policies were analyzed to determine if cultural competence was incorporated in the framework. The results of the content analysis was presented quantitatively in a frequency count data chart.

Pilot Study Components

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